Try the Side-Lying Charleston – it opens out the waist and trunk, improves shoulder and hip movement and breathing. Begin with just the arm movement and then add in the legs.
- Lie in the side rest position but with the top arm resting over the side of your body with palm down (you may want to support your head with your other arm or with a cushion).
- Inhale and reach the arm up and over the side of your head. At the same time, press your hip bone into the floor to create a small arch underneath you. As you make this movement, your arm will rotate as your palm needs to be facing down when you reach the floor). Notice the top side of your waist lengthen from armpit to hip.
- As you exhale, slowly bring your arm down to the starting position so that your palm is draped over your hip.
- Repeat this twice on both sides. When raising your right arm over your head, do it cautiously and don’t push too far, less is more! Then add Charleston legs.
With Charleston Legs
- Lie in the side rest position with the top arm resting over the side of your body and your head on a pillow.
- Inhale and reach the arm up and over the side of your head, palm facing towards the floor. Notice the top side of your waist length from armpit to hip. At the same time press your hip bone into the floor to create a small arch underneath you.
- As you exhale slowly bring your arm down and at the same time, keeping your knees glued together, lift your top heel away from bottom ankle towards the ceiling and reach your hand towards it (you don’t have to touch your heel!).
- Repeat 3 times on each side.