Chair Yoga Plus! Classes in Gunthorpe and Whatton

2 New Chair Yoga Plus! Classes Starting January 2017

We’re really pleased to announce that we’re starting two new classes in the new year: one in Gunthorpe on a Tuesday morning, and the second in Whatton on a Thursday morning.

Chair Yoga Plus! at Gunthorpe and WhattonDo you want to get more years out of your life by putting more life into your years?

Do you feel like you’re missing out on staying active?  Do you want to exercise and join a class but perhaps have difficulty standing for long periods, kneeling or getting up and down off the floor?

As we live longer, we all want to enjoy a better quality of life, and you can with Chair Yoga Plus! We all know it’s good for us to keep active, but some of us might not be able to take part in an aerobics class or go cycling or jogging, so keep reading as this could be just what you’ve been looking for!

Chair Yoga Plus! is an excellent choice of class for you if you have a physical challenge, if you haven’t exercised for a while due to an injury, are retired and want to make friends or simply want to improve your fitness.

You’d be surprised at just how physically beneficial a chair-based movement class can be, not to mention how it can be a great boost to your overall wellbeing!  Even a small amount of movement done regularly can improve your health, which will give your confidence a boost and make everyday tasks much easier to do.

Regular weekly classes are a great way of meeting new friends too.

Each week, these classes will help to relieve aching/tight muscles, which in turn will improve your joints, helping you to move better and feel less stiff.  We’ll use a variety of gentle yoga stretches, toning exercises, mindful movement, somatic movement, breathing and relaxation techniques and Chinese health exercises, all combined with a sprinkling of humour and fun!

You can rest assured that you will be in safe hands with Karen as she has worked with people who have suffered pain, injury and accidents over the last 20 years with much success, and has had specialist training in this area.  The movements are adaptable for people at different levels – some are sitting and some are standing using the chair for support – and Karen will help you to participate at a level you feel comfortable with.

Improve your fitness and wellbeing with Chair Yoga Plus!

  • Seated yoga to improve flexibility and tone muscles
  • Somatic movement to retrain those tired aching muscles
  • Chinese health exercises to restore energy
  • Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system and improve breathing
  • Relaxation/mindfulness to help bring calm and peace to your day
  • NO kneeling, NO getting up and down off the floor, NO jogging, NO complicated routines
  • Plus meet like-minded people.

Class Details

  • Tuesday class: 10.45 to 11.45am at Gunthorpe Village Hall (NG14 7EW)
  • Thursday class: 11am to 12 noon at Whatton Jubilee Hall (NG13 9EL).

Both classes are term time only and start week commencing 9th January.

What Next?

So if you’ve been thinking you’d like to get a bit more active, contact us to reserve your spot and take the first step towards better health.