Are you injured or in pain?
We can help you. Kev’s treatments are based on the Full Movement Method (FMM) – this is a unique method of resolving muscle and joint problems, pain and immobility, and includes a combination of:
- Soft tissue techniques
- Joint mobilisations
- Deep tissue massage
- Trigger Point therapy.
- Applied Yoga (assessment & Therapy)
- Home treatment plan
FMM is founded on the belief that symptoms such as muscle pain and stiff or restricted joint movements (that are often attributed to accidents, twisting and prolonged poor posture) are actually caused by an underlying lack of full movement. It’s a unique approach to resolving many muscle and joint malfunctions and aches and pains by aiming to restore movement that has been lost from childhood. It uses a combination of deep tissue remedial massage, joint mobilisations and applied Yoga to release tight/stiff joints and restore full movement and relieve pain. Read our tribute to FMM founder, Andy Thomas, here.
If you are suffering from any of the following, see below for how Kev could help you:
- Back and neck pain
- Joint problems, such as with the shoulder or knees
- Muscle spasms
- Nerve entrapment, such as sciatica
- Accidents/Rehabilitation programmes
Injury Prevention Programme
We are here to help keep you active! These are some of the conditions you may want to seek help for, but there are many more that may not be listed, so please give us a call or send an email and we will be happy to discuss your needs.
- Back pain, including muscle spasm and sciatica
- Neck pain, including whiplash and nerve entrapment
- Tennis and Golfer’s elbow
- Shoulder pain, including frozen shoulder
- Hip pain and restrictions
- Hand, ankle and foot injuries
- Headaches/Tiredness
- Sports Injuries/Rehabilitation programmes
- Injury prevention programmes
- Full body MOT with report
What happens at your appointments?
Often when clients come to see us, they say “you are my last hope, I’ve been everywhere”. Your appointment with Kev consists of a thorough spinal, joint and soft tissue assessment, along with any other neurological tests deemed necessary to get to the root of the problem.
Once he has identified the problem, he will then draw up a plan which usually consists of:-
- Deep tissue massage to start the healing process, breaking down adhesions and bringing fresh blood to the site of injury, or he may work around the injury.
- Assisted hands-on yoga stretching to the prepared tissue and/or joints (Kev is a trained yoga teacher too, which is all part of FMM and its uniqueness)
- Mobilisations to vertebrae and/or joints
- Further techniques unique to FMM
- Re-testing the tissue/joint range of movement and/or level of pain and discomfort
- Working through with the client any necessary exercises/stretches that need to be done in between sessions.
Often a “symptom” can be a result of a problem which is much further away from the site of pain that the client is suffering from. For instance a pain in the outside of the elbow joint (tennis elbow) can be as a result of compression in a vertebrae in the neck. Sometimes this can be difficult for a patient to understand when they come for elbow pain and we start treating their neck! This is why Kev takes time to explain to clients what is happening in the body and why. This understanding in turn helps the client to take part in their own healing process.
Kev addresses injuries however you came by them. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a sports injury, or an accident, or maybe you got over-enthusiastic in the garden! We can tailor the session to suit your needs and use the best methods to aid your quick recovery.
After each appointment, Kev always re-tests to see how your body has responded, and makes any re-adjustments needed. Just like when you take your car to the garage, he will investigate and fine tune your body so you can get the best from it. Sometimes this may mean that he needs to suggest adjustments to the way that you do things in your everyday life so they become easier for your body. Kev will always encourage you to carry on enjoying your leisure pursuits where possible, but we may need to look at how you can use your body differently and more efficiently.
We do not do “one size fits all” – Kev prides himself on treating you as an individual as there are many other factors that could be affecting your health that are individual to you. Emotional trauma for instance can cause real physical discomfort in the body. So burdens that you feel you are carrying in your life can give you a real “pain in your shoulder or neck”. Kev is trained in such areas (which have their roots in yoga) to help you put a new perspective on life and maybe suggest something which you have not tried before which can help alleviate these emotional physical symptoms. You are not just your body. Your body often speaks your mind!
Why you should come to us?
Are you a BETE (Been Everywhere, Tried Everything)?
We help injuries, however you came by them, and many of our clients come to us in desperation, having been everywhere and tried everything – BETEs!
Getting to the root cause of your pain
Crucially, we address the cause of the pain, not just the symptoms. To achieve this, we conduct a complete neurological check, and test your joint and muscle functions and range of movement We also take an extremely thorough case history – we know the questions to ask to understand how your pain could have arisen. You can be confident that we can identify what is causing you pain, and then start working straight away to resolve it.
Personal attention
Our expert assessment tools are our hands and our eyes, and during a session, you will receive our undivided personal attention.
Preventing further injuries
We also offer you a unique method of injury prevention – we understand how the environment and our lifestyle can cause physical injury, and 90% of our cases involve some kind of neck and/or lower back condition, which could often have been avoided.
Bespoke personalised programme
To aid your recovery and prevent further injuries, we’ll formalise your unique programme for home use. We’ll go through it with you so that you feel confident doing the exercises yourself.
Proud of our reputation
We value our reputation, so we won’t keep seeing you unnecessarily. All injuries and patients respond differently, but most of our patients need a course of 3-6 sessions, and many start seeing some benefit after the first one.
Access to a network of other specialists
We have access to a range of specialists we can refer you to if we think we can’t help you, or you need attention from another expert.
So whether you are a BETE (been everywhere, tried everything) or not, contact Kev to make an appointment and start feeling better.